Birmingham Airport Hotel Undercover 3 star Hotels

Big savings – Save up to
60% on airport gate prices

We aim to offer you
the best price guaranteed

Peace of mind with
safe and secure parking

Simple and easy process
with hassle free transfers

Established 1989 – Over 30
years of industry experience

Undercover 3 Star Hotels

also known as mystery hotels, where the name of the hotel is not revealed until you book your hotel parking package. But you benefit from a guaranteed saving.

Reasons to Buy

The reason the hotel name is not given until you book is because you are guaranteed a saving on the normal price of the selected hotel, but rest assured it will be one of the many quality airport hotels on or close to Birmingham airport.

Transfer Information
Depending on which hotel you are allocated transfer times and distances will vary, however all transfers will be inclusive of the price, details will be given on booking confirmation.

Hotel facilities
Depending on which hotel you are staying at hotel facilities will vary, though all hotels will have excellent features